Fixer is a study in mnemonic retrieval, specifically involuntary memory, through the sense of sight where images take the role of visual interlocutor to other senses in order to activate the viewer’s own memories. The images that I have compiled in Fixer are here to fix moments in time in a crystalline way, using speed light and often close-up. The fixed scenes are not unique; their participants, not extraordinary. We see body parts, random objects, which affords the idea of interchangeability, universality. Maybe when seeing the stubble of a beard, the viewer can feel its prickly texture on his or her own fingers. When seeing the translucent green of a gummy bear, the viewer may smell its dull saccharine scent. Maybe when seeing the bubbles of blood on a lip, the viewer can experience a sudden taste of metal in his or her mouth. As one looks at an image, it correlates to a personal, subjective sensory bond and through it a memory is being evoked. The viewer is now brought into his or her own involuntary memory by way of these uncovered senses. The memories, thus interconnected to senses, are creating a bridge between photographer and viewer. Fixer can be seen as my invitation to the viewer to delve into his or her memory through the open door the images provide.